Effluent treatment is essential for any manufacturing industry. It involves removing the contaminants from wastewater to reuse the water. The industrial effluent treatment plants also enable to decrease the solid waste discharged and make the water reusable. Thus, effluent treatment plants play an essential role in purifying the wastewater, recycling it, and disposing of it.
However, there exist various types of industrial effluent treatment plants. Let’s look at them through this blog.
Types of Industrial Effluent Treatment Plants
1. ETP for Food Industry
The food and dairy industry use a lot of water and generate wastewater on a a large scale. The wastewater they generate often includes toxic, and non-toxic elements, along with contaminants and pollutants.
ETP helps remove them and process them for reuse. ETP for food industry reduces the impact of harmful these elements on the environment. ETPs employ physical, chemical, and biological treatment methods that can treat and process the parameters to the limits and control the pollution problems caused by COD and BOD.
2. Brewery Effluent Treatment Plants
Contemporary breweries release natural water with high COD. The water released contains easily biodegradable solvent starch, sugars, unstable unsaturated fats and ethanol. Most of the waste is made up of paper, glass, plastic, oils, etc., Additionally, breweries produce surplus yeast and spent grains as by-products. Brewery ETPs Plant simplify this task treating the effluent waste efficiently.
3. Pharma Effluent Treatment Plants
Pharma companies release water containing various ingredients, solvents and substances harmful to humans and animals. The efficiency of RO helps reduce COD, BOD, and TSS to dissolve solids in pharma ETP. It neutralizes the pH of wastewater in the neutralization tank and passes the activated carbon filter to remove the colored material and recycle the water.
4. Textile Industries Effluent Treatment Plants
The textile industry generates wastewater, containing chemicals through various processes, including dyeing, printing, etc. Textile ETPs help treat such water and allow its reuse in a natural environment. The ETPs comprise multiple treatments involving physical, chemical, and biological mechanisms. They remove about 80% of organic waste and dispose of the wastewater for further use.
5. Slaughter House Effluent Plants
Slaughter house ETPs are fully automated and designed for continuous operation. One cannot discharge wastewater generated from slaughter houses into public sewage treatment. It is because the primary pollutant sources of the slaughtering processes include urine, blood, and feces. These elements contain suspended solids and mostly toxic substances.
ETPs add a cleaning product to additives for processing. The product could include ionic or cooking tripe in the treatment to modify the production cycle and the recycling process of water and by-products.
Need an Industrial Effluent Treatment Plant for Your Company? Connect with CHFour!
CHFour is one of the leading companies in India involved in the design, manufacturing, erection, and maintenance of ETPs for a range of industries.
The company’s several years of experience and extensive expertise in building ETP water treatment and ETP for the food industry speak for its position across India’s ETP and STP sectors. So, if you’ve been looking to build custom industrial effluent treatment for your manufacturing units, you’ve got CHFour!
Call +91 8055573883 to know more about CHFour and its industrial effluent treatment plants.